Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Getting Started

Alright, what's all the fuss about. Finally figured out how to get this blog to working. Wendy has facebooks, my spaces and blogs, and apparently blogspot had a problem with the setup and our email address.
I've read some blogs and comments, cannot guarantee highly educated responses, but at least they'll be spelled correctly.


  1. What's the subject of sentence, "Finally figured out how to get this blog to working."? Ha Ha. Just kidding. :-p Seriously though, welcome to the community. Pray for me, I've been sick today. BTW, memorize the spelling of ecumenicalism if you haven't already. I probably spell it differently every time I spell it.

  2. Tim,
    Adrian Neal here from Huntington, TX. My connection to the preacher blog cult is I know several pastors well involved (Michael Reese & Mike Wilkes...they got everybody saved in Texas & then moved out of state) and have met several others. Careful what you say. You may want to run for president one day...
    Adrian <><

  3. Be careful this blogging thing is addictive. You'll turn on you computer at 8am check the blogs you follow and before you know it, it's 1pm.

  4. glad your with us...or are you against us!? Try and teach Cecil to turn on a computer and we'll pray that he learns to blog!

    He and I had some great discussions in our day!

  5. Don't believe everything you read on a blog. Some are pretty tongue-in-cheek high sarcasm. I'm glad you stepped up. What big dogs do you run with?

  6. The ones I like, the others I shoot, oops I mean sell.

  7. Hello Tiny Tim. I can't spell and I don't care. At least I do not wear dirty underwear. Welcome and take that picture of that little deer off.

  8. Welcome to the world of......what is the Greek word....."bologna!"
    Have fun!
